Commuter Hygiene


Commuting tip of the day:

Packtowels dry super fast.

A 10″x14″ personal packtowel makes a good washcloth. Wring it out after your shower, and hang it in your handlebars, or under your desk. It’ll be dry before lunchtime.

If you also use the full size packtowel to dry off with, it will dry by the end of the workday.

This way, all your stuff will be dry and you won’t have to fart around with smelly laundry at the end of the day. They roll up super small, and don’t take up very much space in your pannier.

I used to use a regular washcloth and just keep it in a ziplock bag, and it would smell like rotten ass by the time I rode home. These are definitely an improvement.

Today: 10 miles
Sept: 155 miles
2008 Utility Miles: 330
2008 Total Miles: 690 miles

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