Just testing some stuff. #pleaseignore
Morning Bike Ride
ImageReblog via AgrarianAnarchist
I heard of this book from an episode of the Upstream Podcast (www.upstreampodcast.org/). I’m not very far into it yet, but it is fascinating. Lots of discussion so far about the extent of racism and organized crime in the early Jazz scene.
(comment on Jazz and Justice)
Reblog via AdamPlaysTrombone
I scored some old books on Ebay. Just look at these endpapers! Why is new stuff cheap and shitty, but old stuff is beautiful?
Reblog via AdamPlaysTrombone
Any of you weirdos using #bookwyrm ? I set up a profile because federation is cool. Also because Amazon owns Goodreads and Amazon is the devil. Anyhow hmu if you read books and stuff. agrariananarchist@bookrastinating.com
Blues Improv in F
VideoI record some of my practice sessions because it’s really hard to critique my own playing while I’m playing. In this clip, I’m trying to use the F minor pentatonic scale to spontaneously compose a melody. In the second chorus, I am trying to adapt the head to “Eastern Standard Time” by Don Drummond before returning to minor penatonic noodling.