25 Weeks


I rode about 40 miles this week, but the plan called for 77. No good. I will attempt to do week 1 over again this week.

My legs are good and sore after yesterday’s ride, and I’m having a little saddle trauma.

24 Weeks


I rode 23.86 miles this week. My Trek is still not done!
If anyone can recommend a good bike shop in the general vicinity of Camp Hill, please leave a comment.

23 Weeks

The new Trek arrived from Ebay, but I haven’t had a chance to ride it yet. It came all torn apart, and I was unable to re-assemble it myself, so I took it to the bike store to let them do it for me.I rode 17.46 miles this week. I would have ridden more, but I’m having some lower back problems. I think I may have the saddle adjusted too high on the Lemond. I’m going to lower it before I ride again.Yesterday was the official 6 month anniversary of me starting to keep track of my bike rides and attempts to quit smoking. I declared my intentions and went for a 14 mile ride to Mechanicburg on July 30, 2004.“But 23 weeks isn’t 6 months!” you say. No, indeed not. The weekly update numbers are the number of weeks since I last had a cigarette, not since I first started blogging. The numbers don’t match up, because I had a few relapses with the smokes in the early days.

Jihad Update:

According to my calculations, I have commuted to work 11 times so far, and I have ridden 20.4 miles doing errands.

This means that I have saved 88+20.4=100.4 miles

100.4 / 28 = 3.59 gallons saved!
Take that, jackass!

22 Weeks

I only got one big ride in this week, and I hurt my back pretty bad. I am going to have to start incorporating ab/lower back work into my ‘routine.’

We got a lame excuse for a blizzard this weekend. The news was prediciting Fimbulwinter, but we only got 6″ of snow. It is evil cold outside though. I don’t know if this happens in other parts of the world or not, but around here, when a big snowstorn is forecasted, people run to the grocery store to buy:

  1. Milk
  2. Eggs
  3. Bread
  4. Toilet Paper

My theory is that people sit around in thier houses feasting on French toast.

The other big news for this week is that I won a bicycle on Ebay. It’s a 1987 Trek 520. It has a lugged steel frame, clearance for fenders and big tires, and a place to mount a rack. I think it will become my primary commuter. The FedEx man should be dropping it off this Thursday!

16.13 miles this week.

21 Weeks


21 Weeks without a smoke.
I rode 21.21 miles this week. That must be one of those cosmic coincidences or something.
I didn’t plan it out like that.


This week, I rode 51.86 miles. Looking back over the logs, that looks like the most I’ve ever done.

Woo Hoo!

I hope we actually get a winter this year… I keep debating taking off the studs and putting the slicks back on the commuter. Of course, the second I do that, it will snow like hell.

19 Weeks

I didn’t ride at all this week.

On the plus side, this is the first year in recent memory that I don’ t have to have “quit smoking” as a new year’s resolution.

18 Weeks

Very light week on bike riding. I’d like to say it was because of holiday time constraints, but it’s more a problem of getting out of bed in time to do the long commute.

In order to be out of bed by 5:00AM and get 7 hours of sleep, I need to be alseep by 10:00PM, which doesn’t seem realistic, especially since I don’t get home from class until 9:30PM. I also have problems sleeping with a kitten gnawing on my fingers in the middle of the night, but that seems to be getting better.

Bicycling summary: 11.65 miles (very sad)

17 Weeks

I only rode 15.7 miles last week. So much for the century training plan 🙁

I couldn’t sleep last night, so I stayed up and redesigned some of the web page (reload the page if you’re still seeing blue).

Back by popular request is the ‘hell on wheels’ tagline. I had changed it because it was cliché and lame, but this is a personal blog after all, and cliché and lameness are what it’s all about.

The picture is a (poorly) gimped-up version of a da Vinci drawing of a horse-drawn chariot with whirling scythes.

From the drawings surrounding this one, it seems this was meant as a means to cut through a line of infantry. Hell on wheels indeed!

16 Weeks

Yeah, I skipped over week 15, because I was too busy with school, and didn’t get a chance to ride at all. My last final for this semester is today. So I should be able to rack up some miles this week.

I’m going to attempt to follow Bicycling Magazine’s century training program, which will have me on the bike for 77 miles this week, with one 30 miler on saturday.

Bicyling summary for week 16 23.97 miles