Moron Camping

I’m getting my gear sorted out. I picked up a RidgeRest sleeping mat. I was going to get a self-inflating kind, but this kind was cheaper, lighter, and if I fold it in half, it makes a nice zabuton.Today, I managed to boil 2.5 cups of water on my old backpacking stove. I don’t know how much fuel is still in there, so I’m gonna have to pick up another canister.In discussions with Klinutus, who has become the wise old sage of ultralight backpacking*, I have decided to go with freeze-dried backpacking food, which I will rejuvinate with boiling water. This should prevent having to wash dishes on the trail.I will be needing a vessel in which to boil the water. I have also gone ahead and ordered front and rear racks for the DB, because they are only like $20 from Nashbar. I think I’ll only need the rear one. The only thing (so far) that doesn’t fit in the Carradice is the sleeping bag. I can lash the pad on the flap, no problem.

I think I have Brandi pretty well convinced to go out on a day hike this Saturday, maybe I will prepare a dehydrated lunch for us as a kind of equipment test.

I’m getting pretty stoked. I haven’t selected a date for this trip yet, but I’m thinking maybe in 2 weeks.

*He claims his whole rig weighs less than 14 lbs!