#30daysofbiking day 15 – retrogrouch ride


As you may have heard, the bicycle industry disappeared up its own asshole today, by releasing an 11 speed road group complete with hydraulic rim brakes. Seriously.

Drum Brakes!

To commemorate this ridiculous occasion, I rode my 5-speed Sturmey-Archer equipped bike with cable-actuated drum brakes. I made a lap around the neighborhood, and then went down to the park and cruised past a few kids’ baseball games. Never once did I find myself wishing my brake lines were filled with an incompressible fluid.

If it’s good enough for Sheldon Brown, you can bet your ass, it’s good enough for you!

I rode 3 miles today!  #30daysofbiking

#30daysofbiking – day 14


I went to Stony Creek today. I rode out to Rausch Gap and back to the Dauphin trail head.

Rausch Gap

I encountered a wild turkey dancing some kind of jig in the middle of the trail.

I also observed a man and woman riding a pair of matching yellow Pugsleys, which was very exciting.

There were also a large number of equestrians on the trail today, and I kind of wished I had brought a bike with fenders. I was not entirely successful in trying to doge all the horse poop on the trail.

I rode 28 miles today!  #30daysofbiking

#30daysofbiking – Day 1


Its April! That means #30daysofbiking. This means you ride your bike every single day – even if it’s just around the block. Then you spam the bejesus out of your social networks with the hashtag #30daysofbiking.

Like this:

I did this last year, and April ended up being my highest-mileage month ever.

So, here we go again. I went for a short bike ride today, and I stopped for a photo while I was out.


Anyhow, I got in 8 miles. You can see an exciting buggy rendition of my route by clicking this awesomely awesome graphic:

8 miles