#30daysofbiking – day 14


I went to Stony Creek today. I rode out to Rausch Gap and back to the Dauphin trail head.

Rausch Gap

I encountered a wild turkey dancing some kind of jig in the middle of the trail.

I also observed a man and woman riding a pair of matching yellow Pugsleys, which was very exciting.

There were also a large number of equestrians on the trail today, and I kind of wished I had brought a bike with fenders. I was not entirely successful in trying to doge all the horse poop on the trail.

I rode 28 miles today!  #30daysofbiking

Stony Creek – The whole shebang


I rode the whole way from Dauphin out to the Lebanon Reservoir. After a brief interlude for sandwiches and tea, I turned around and rode the whole way back to Dauphin.

I had never done the whole trail before, so that’s one to scratch off my list.

Lebanon Reservoir

Tea Time

This is my longest ride so far this year, and my longest ride ever on the Karate Monkey.

Today: 40 miles
Sept: 142 miles
2008 Utility Miles: 317
2008 Total Miles: 677 miles