#30daysofbiking – day 21 – Bike Rural Routes & Rail Trail


Sloth, Klinutus, and I did a ride organized by the Linn Conservancy yesterday.

We had a guide who told us all about the Buffalo Valley Rail Trail, including some of the future plans for it. From memory:

  • Mini trail head in Vicksburg: They want to build a small parking lot / rest room in Vicksburg where the trail crosses Beaver Run Road.
  • Crossing US 11/15: Major engineering work would be required, so they are looking to possibly route trail users to the intersection of US11/15 with PA45.
  • Crossing the Susquehanna: The bridge caught on fire, and there’s a lot of work to do to fix it back up. The trail probably won’t cross the river any time soon.

The scenery was nice.



We rode down the Rail Trail to the Eastern trail head, then back to Vicksburg to talk about the new trail head they want to build there. Then, we turned down Hoffa Mill Road, to see the mill. The mill is apparently still powered by undershot water wheels.


This technology will come in handy during the zombie apocalypse.

After we checked out the mill, we completed the loop back to the Dale Walker House. Sloth and I promptly headed to Ard’s for some non-paleo dinner.

Ride Stats:

There were a lot of side roads, farm roads, and other interesting things we didn’t get to explore, but I have a feeling we will on future excursions.

I have many more photos in my Gallery, in case you are a person who likes photos.