Bone Rides Again!

I finally got back on the trainer after having my ass kicked on Sunday. In the interest of consistency, I am no longer including my warm-up and cool down in the statistics.Elapsed Time: 00:25:11
Max Speed: 21.3mph
Average Speed: 15.9mph
Distance: 6.68 miles


Some people have expressed concern over the lack of updates this week.Bone is alive and well, and has not fallen victim to Loki, or the Frost Giants!

Sadly, I have very little to report.

I have been unable to get my butt out of bed in time to ride the bike this week. I have been working on another project (not related to biking or smoking), which has been taking up all my time. If all goes well today, I should have something to report later this afternoon.

I have also not been smoking, which makes tommorow afternoon a milestone, as it will be the longest I have gone without a smoke in almost 4 years (my last major effort to quit smoking failed spectacularly on 10/13/2000.)

If Loki is planning any foolishness, he had better do it soon. The sun will soon be in Scorpius, and I will become invincible! 🙂

7 Days of Freedom

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages….Bone has not had a smoke in 7 days!!! Woo Hoo!
…and there was much rejoicing…

Forest Hill – New Columbia – Forest Hill


Klinutus and I rode from Forest Hill to New Columbia and back. I bonked and wanted to call it quits, but then I ate a PowerGel and everything got all better.

Elapsed Time: 01:53:38
Max Speed: 36.4mph
Average Speed: 11.5mph (yes, pitiful, I know)
Distance: 21.85 miles



Short Ride on the Trainer

Woke up this morning feeling like hell. I think I’m catching a cold or something. I did a short ride anyhow.Elapsed Time: 00:25:27
Max Speed: 25.3mph
Average Speed: 15.9mph
Distance: 6.75 miles

While I was getting ready to ride, I got distracted by the TV long enough to get a resting heart rate reading. I don’t have anything to compare it with, so I dunno if it’s a good number or not, but the number is 74bpm.

On the smoking front, I’m still on the wagon, but I’m getting stronger cravings of longer duration than I had the other week. I am confident that Thor will give me the strength to resist.

Update 10:58AM
According to these guys, a RHR of between 60 and 80bpm is acceptable for an ‘untrained’ person.

New Gadget

No bike ride today, because i got a new Palm Pilot last night and I was up late playing with it.Still on the wagon, too!

Update 2:35PM

Needed 2mg gum

Easy Ride on the Trainer

Elapsed Time: 00:41:57
Max Speed: 21.4mph
Average Speed: 14.9mph
Distance: 10.40 milesJust some light work on the trainer today. My legs are just starting to get over the soreness from Saturday’s ride.

I am also noticing that it’s harder to get my heart rate up when I’m not smoking. I suspect this has something to do with the Carbon Monoxide that’s no longer binding up my hemoglobin.

The slick tires do indeed make the trainer a bit quieter. The big CA-CHUNK from changing gears is still pretty loud though 🙂

Still on the wagon


After 24 hours, I am still on the wagon, and the goats are still running.

I put new slick tires (graciously donated by Klinutus) on the bike last night, in hopes that it will make the trainer a bit quieter. The gf does not seem to like the rumble of my knobby tires on the trainer at 5am.

Hopefully, I’ll get out of bed tommorow in time to see how quiet they really are. 🙂

Update 9:40AM:
Needed 2mg gum.